Thanx for a good advice, I've managed to connect my network with more then 10 WRT54GL and everything is working fine ... The only one thing to mention with latest version of OpenSWAN. You need to remove the inet parameter from line 146 of the ifconfig command in /usr/lib/ipsec/_startklips.
Hi. I wanna know if I can replace the RV082 by one WRT54GS / WRT54G using DD-WRT VPN or MEGA flavor firmware.
Thanks in advance.
Thanx for a good advice, I've managed to connect my network with more then 10 WRT54GL and everything is working fine ... The only one thing to mention with latest version of OpenSWAN. You need to remove the inet parameter from line 146 of the ifconfig command in /usr/lib/ipsec/_startklips.
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