Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tinyproxy on WRT54GS

This story has moved to NerdBoys.com. Please read this story at its new location.


Anonymous said...

is it automatic being transparent?

Joe said...

Yes. All you need to do is set the proxy address in your browser

semifor said...

I had the same problem: slow connections through tinyproxy on the OpenWRT box. The problem was DNS related. I deleted /etc/resolv.conf (which was a symlink to /tmp/resolv.conf, which in turn is a symlink to /tmp/resolv.conf.auto). Then I created /etc/resolv.conf with with content:

search lan

tinyproxy is now very fast!

JonnyRo said...

Is the original tinyproxy download URL broken?

Joe said...

It was the last time I checked.

BenLete said...


Are you logging directly to a file or through syslog?

I have way better performance when using syslog (with a custom distro on an Atmel NGW-100)